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PayPal :
PayPal is the primary payment method. When you purchase the desired course, you will be directed to a secure PayPal payment gate. We are willing to cover the transfer fees depending on the course you are purchasing, for example, if you are purchasing a semester based course then we may cover the transfer fees.

While we do not collect payments directly through Alipay, we do work with people who have Alipay accounts. If you choose Alipay as your primary payment method, you can contact your manager and ask about the Alipay payment process. Alipay is the preferred payment method for our Chinese clients/students.

This is our preferred payment method, as well as PayPal. to learn more about the payment process, please contact a manager directly.

WeChat Payment :
Similar to ALIPAY, we accept WeChat payments through a third party. Please contact a manager for more information on the payment process and other related information.
WeChat is the second preferred payment method for our Chinese customers

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